zondag 25 mei 2014

The Solution: Homo sapiens 2.0

I have noticed that many foreigners read my blog; I will write this item in English.

I think I have the solution for the global problems we are facing.

But before I give my solution, I think it is important first of all, to determine the cause of our global problems...

1. We plunder planet Earth.
2. We multiply like rabbits.

ad. 1. 
I don't use the term "Fossil fuel", because we use oil for thoussands of  reasons; one of them being "fuel".
Hundred years ago the first cars and planes appeared... And also the first plastics etc... 
Oil was found at the surface... 
30 years ago the price of oil was US$ 20,=/barrel... Now it costs US$ 100,=, and IMF predicts that the price of oil will exceed US$ 200 in 10 years from now...
In 50 years???

We have been living here for over 300,000 years; ten, twenty of fifty years means tomorrow in our evolution.

Hundred years ago our number was less than one billion. 
In 10 years it will be ten billion.

I think it is time for Homo sapiens 2.0

If we don't change; if we don't start to think different, somewhere in the near future there will be many billions of people here on Earth, with hardly any resources!!!

Now the global communication is perfect, planet Earth still has resources, and now the global chaos is still limited... 
If we really want to change, I think we should do it Now... 

But How?! 

1. By spreading awareness. By making a chance, starting by yourself.
2. By buying and reading "The Night the Stars Danced". 


The story is multi-leveled, multi-layered; it shows a world where people think very different; they believe in the truth... 

The story challenges our current "mind settings"... 
And the story is sometimes touching, sometimes hilaric, and fascinating, captivating, and inspiring...

In Holland it is the #1 Awareness novel!

I don't use a publisher; I call it "Fairtrade Literature"; this way the margin is fair.
If the novel becomes a global success, a message of awareness will spread across the globe; and I will be able to contribute a serious amount of money into the Solution (according to me)

What is the solution? 

Now we "know how"; let us use all knowledge available to create "A Perfect World"; a blueprint for the next 300,000 years... 

A community of  at least 100,000 people who live in true freedom and abundance... (instead of a meatball half a pig of your plate.. -:)
A place where the beauty and joy of our existence is the focus...
And with the highest level of "luxury"...
Naturally, without a negative ecological footprint. 

Inspiring the world...      

Why not?!

It is up to you... 

The Ebook costs only US$ 2.99
Available at Kobo.com



vrijdag 2 mei 2014

Fairtrade Literatuur: It is a matter of time...

Anno 2014: 
De Nederlandse boekenbranche heeft een omzet van ca. 600 miljoen euro/jaar, maar slechts een handjevol auteurs verdienen een (droge) boterham! Honderden miljoenen verdwijnen jaarlijks in de zakken van de keten; het systeem.

Een feit: 99% van de auteurs zijn ontevreden zijn over de samenwerking met hun uitgever!!

Er zijn inmiddels meer dan 1,000 uitgevers in Nederland, en er verschijnen via de uitgevers meer dan 12,000 nieuwe Nederlandse boektitels/jaar...  

 Fairtrade Literatuur: It is a matter of time 

Overtuig jezelf...
Bezoek www.vipassanaweb.nl en lees alles over "De Nacht dat de Sterren Dansten"; de 1ste Fairtrade Bestseller!